Visualize trends with location data on a map


Excel and other spreadsheet software is great for storing and sharing data. There is only so much analysis that can be performed directly in your spreadsheets, especially when handling geographic data. We believe there is a lot of information behind your data waiting to be discovered. That's why we have intentionally built a mapping tool that helps you find the meaning in your location data.

With your typical spreadsheet, you have many functions available to analyze your data. You can, for example, average an entire column or add up across a row. With some pivot table trickery, you can even perform analyses on subsets of your data. As long as you're in the heady world of pure numbers, spreadsheets provide valuable insights.

visualize location data

When your data can be identified geographically, your ability to view a local subset of your data is severely impacted and often impossible. BatchGeo discovers location fields within your data, such as addresses, postal codes, and city names. Our fast geocoding service converts those geographic fields into coordinates, which we plot on a map. You can share this map with colleagues and give everyone the ability to use our data analysis tools described below.

Display dense markers as intelligent clusters

Another method of visually understanding your data is to use our map marker clustering feature. You can use this to determine the number of data points in a region, and you can gain insights from the meta-data within each point.

When enabled, cluster circles display with a greater diameter when more markers are present. Additionally, if you have additional data in the map, you'll see the frequency of the data within the current field as a pie chart in your cluster.

In this map of NASCAR's fatal crashes, the events are naturally situated around popular circuits where races take place. The pie chart beneath the clusters refer to the year ranges below. Change the field in the lower left and the data in each cluster's chart will also update, though the count of events within the cluster remain the same.

View NASCAR Fatal Crashes in a full screen map

Distance to first location

Sometimes all of your data relates to a single place. Perhaps you want to show the distance of customers from your regional office, for example. In this case, you would include the office location as the first row in your spreadsheet (after headers). Your customer data would go below your office location. Then copy-paste the whole spreadsheet into our easy mapping tool. In Advanced Options, select "Calculate (straight line) distance from first address.” Now your map will display markers according to distance from the office location.

This map uses the distance feature to display major earthquakes in California relative to San Francisco. While you can see there have been a handful nearby, there are other areas in the upper north and southern California with a similar number of quakes.


Analyze your data now

It's time to take your spreadsheet and perform data analysis with the visualization tools provided by BatchGeo. Make a map today.